Jumat, 16 Desember 2016

Final Task, Volare Chit-Chat Radio Resume ( Hit The Hay Idiom )

-how to say it
In this segment, I learned about an idiom and how to pronounce the idiom. The idiom was Hit The Hay, from the word Hit, H-I-T which mean “Memukul” in bahasa Indonesia and the word Hay, H-A-Y, which mean “Jerami” in bahasa Indonesia.
In this segment, the idiom that I learn was Hit The Hay, the meaning is "Someone is going to sleep” For example, Triono wants to wake earlier tomorrow so he decides to Hit the Hay. We can either use Hit the zzzzz, the meaning is same with Hit The Hay.
In this segment, the speakers spoke with two languages which are English and Bahasa Indoensia. They talked about Harry Potter’s Back! Harry potter is back with the new story, Harry Potter and the Curse Child. Will be in book store in the UK and USA on the 31st  of july.
English Please

The topic in this topic was TV series, there were two speakers, the first speaker said that we can learn English either watching movies or TV series, but they focused told us to learn English through TV series, because with TV series we take a lot practice, because formally, TV series take a year or more to done the story, instead movies


How to say it
In this segment, I learned about an idiom and how to pronounce the idiom. The idiom was Steal Thunder. From the word Steal, S-T-E-A-L which mean “Mencuri” in bahasa Indonesia and the word Thunder, T-H-U-N-D-E-R which mean “Petir” in bahasa Indonesia.
In this segment, the idiom that I learned was was STEAL THUNDER meaning is "Stealing someone's ideas or do something that's been thought out by someone to get appreciation or distract other people".
UPS is working with a start-up called Zipline International. This start-up will deliver blood and vaccines to transfusion centres in Rwanda starting this summer, and the start-up will do it by drone.
English Please
The topic in this segment was the annoying things in Pontianak, there were two speakers, they were talked about what is the annoying things in Pontianak? The second speaker replied. She doesn’t like traffic jam in Pontianak or the way people disobey the rules. The first speaker said she doesn’t like how people in Pontianak implement the rules, she has seen a car driver use the motorcycle area, and she thought it’s not good.

post week 10

There are many things that we can do in my town, some of them can be done at Kapuas River. Precisely around the Kapuas River, there are many canoe rentals that we can get a canoe to row. On Kapuas River, especially in the evening, we can see there are many people rowing canoes. A canoe can be rented for only Rp10.000,00-Rp15.000,00.
From Kapuas River we can also ride Galaherang from Alun Alun Kapuas and watch the sunset. Galaherang is a sort of passenger ship. There are also some types of Galaherang and the price is various. Some of them provides acoustic music peformance on it that we can watch as we enjoy the view of Kapuas Bridge and River. Beside the acoustic music performance, we can also have some snacks or drinks sold on the Galaherang.
The other thing that we can see in Pontianak is Digulis Monument. Around the monument we can see beautiful and colorful water fountains. At night, so many peopel visit Digulis Monument to relax around it precisely at Digulis Park.

Aside from Digulis Monument, Pontianak has another monument called Equator Monument. It is located in Siantan. Pontianak City is called Equator City beacuse Pontianak is a city croseed by the equator line. At equator monument, we can witness culmination event that only occurs twice a year where Pontianak feels warmer that usual. This event can attract tourist to come over Pontianak

post week 9

Hello in post this week i will post about food last where i started in the world.much one meal we are and making his the modern also, so i itself also confusion to to eat i also there have been many tasting food that is and i think all that nice and if it can i want to eat good food every day and not think when the last time in the earth i have to eat up all but of course i have has answers i.I think not eat more favors than food cookery a mother.How fancy will food restaurant and how expensive will meal on sale but the most favors namely cookery from mother why i also do not know definite but i think And love a mother is no its perimeter so any created in her hand not tara its flavor and unparalleled and if you must choose my want of food last i in the earth this is food in the ripe mother am.any think that which cooked my mother will eat his it make cookery it not been all his same will felt different if food are you taste this is what it is special person in your life i think this is pretty the.

post week 8

Hello all in post this time i will write my message to 10 years ahead. I have much desire to myself maybe infinity if all all we ask for can now gets fulfilled my age 18 years and if for 10 years my age mean it would be 28 years and i think at that age i have had to come up with many things unlike now still think things that are not too important i want to ten years i have a job own efforts themselves and their own house many it is that i actually hope can gets fulfilled moreover time 10 years were not a minute i have a message for myself i my old currently being followed a bench whose lectures believe can make my future gets better and if i has become the successful person i hope i will be proud i want my could be somebody that is very useful for the community even though are successful has not forget where we came from and processes him we be sucses.forget is friends we are with fill that i forget orang-orang who have made me better hopefully this message in read by my own 10 years ahead although i do not like i want