Jumat, 30 September 2016

topic week 3

Hello , guys , in posting this time i will to posting two objects as always take with me wherever i went , if talk about many of the things that important and we often take wherever we go it was in fact very much yes but this time i think two objects should be enough .So they first i could not leave and always take with me everywhere i go is the cell phone many of us call hp , why hp why hp is a a means of communication that is easy to us to call your .Let alone now hp his already high-tech the more difficult it is to me to abandon hp in hp i most contains contact my friends that i think is very important , and for being an i can get a lot more information quickly , information about what a course called me today , and whether there is duty if i not present in a course called , so there the reason i why hp become one of the items i was the one who always I brought everywhere i went , and the things that second no less important his is also wallet.why wallet it as hp last many things important i can save in your wallet , the first money is , letters completeness drive i , is important yes is money and vehicle registration: on save elsewhere but for more simple its me sure many people also selected wallet so 2 objects that i always take when i travel to post this time i think this is pretty

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